
Lucanus ApS and the Story Behind the Logo

Lucanus ApS was founded in 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company is registred at The Danish Business Authority and The Danish Tax Authority with company no. DK39886839.

The company is a Danish Anpartsselskab, much like the english Private Limited Company.

The company also operate under the following secondary names, depending on which branch of business in scope:

Lucanus – Mega Project Experts ApS

Expert advisory, staffing, management, education and literature on large scale projects, complex projects and mega projects.

Lucanus Advisory ApS

Business Consulting Services.

Lucanus Project Management ApS

Advisory, staffing and management of small to mid size construction and facilities management projects.

Lucanus Joint Venture Management ApS

Services for joint ventures and consortiums.

Lucanus Insights ApS:

Products and services within Big Data analysis and advanced analytics.

The Lucanus Logo

Lucanus Cervus – The Stag Beetle (Eghjort in Danish)

The Stag Beetle – lucanus cervus – is the largest terrestrial insect in Europe with male species up to 9 cm in length. Since the beetle mainly lives of sap from older oak trees, Denmark and Southern Sweden is at the northern boarder where it can spread.
Mainly due to the reduction of older oak forrest in Denmark and Southern Sweden, the population of lucanus cervus was dramatically reduced in the 20th century and in Denmark it became listed as a protected specie in 1924. In 1970 the last living lucanus cervus was registred in Denmark and it was then considered extinguished. But in 2008 one lucanus cervus was found in a garden near Copenhagen, a finding classified as “sensational”.
The lucanus cervus is still extremely rare in Denmark and Sweden and is listed as “critically endangered” so it was a bit of a sensation when a fine male suddenly walked over the floor in my cottage in Southern Sweden a nice summer day in 2013.

And since that day I knew that a lucanus cervus should be the grafical picture of the company logo and the company name.

The Lucanus logo is designed by Milla Design in Copenhagen. 

EU Trademark
The Lucanus logo and name is registred as an EU Trademark with registration no. 017901103 – > Link